What is A Transistor? - Senior Inquiry Project
"What is a Transistor" was a series I created for my Graphic Design Senior Inquiry Project. As an Engineering Major, who also was a more Visual Learner, I definitely struggled grasping concepts of certain topics, such as Transistors. So, from my own experiences, the goal of this was to display a difficult topic, which also could easily "click" with some viewers, in a visual way. Since I also worked on Transistors for my Engineering Senior Inquiry, it was a fun way for me to combine my two passions.
Don't F This Up
It was my first Graphic Design class at Augustana College. I had been working with Photoshop and Illustrator for about 3 years, but had always had a tough time coming up with concepts for my projects. This project was simple, we had to come up with a poster that could showcase something that maybe we didn't know enough about. For a while, I had been trying to connect mine with depression, as I had some ideas that I just could not translate into a poster. While talking with my professor, I exclaimed that I was tired of "F'ing everything up". Then it clicked and we both lit up, and she told me not to say a word, just to go. We eventually decided to pair this up with my college's Reading and Writing center, a very useful tool on campus (that, as you can tell, I should have used a lot more. We kept the poster simplistic, and it was really my first instance of using a more simplistic style in my designs.
Below are examples of Senior Night Sports Posters I made for my High School, featuring my siblings. These were fun as I got to work with my mom and others talking about colors and how they wanted each to look. They evolved from the one with my brother (The Boy's Basketball one) and finishing with my sister's Girl's Volleyball and Basketball ones. Poster design is another passion of mine, and if you looking for something more similar to these than the more "simple" ones above, inquire me about them!